Time Management has always been.... an issue for me. I definitely have the mindset of "never do now what you can do later" more often than I would care to admit. Largely this doesn't come back to bite me (hence the habits continuation) but every once and a while my sleep schedule takes a serious blow that temporarily makes me regret my poor decisions. I usually come back to my procrastination though.
The Psychology of Checklists:
This article was cool. I mean that in the basest sense of the word, I thought that it was very interesting all the different psychological aspects to the simple use of breaking down a task into simpler easier pieces. In a kinda meta way it's the same way that breaking articles into sections make them more approachable at first glance than one large section and even more focused, how paragraphs make large blocks of texts more approachable.
Four Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination:
This article was.... Almost exactly what I was expecting. teachers and parents and generally a lot of people will talk to you about procrastination and the first three questions addressed were the typical 'how can I make this easier' tips that sort of help but don't really. The fourth question however was something that I hadn't heard before and I really think it's a good suggestion. Think of the consequences of procrastinating right now, will it hurt you. See procrastination gets a bad rep in my opinion. I see no good reason why the very first moment you can do something is any better than somewhere in the middle.
There are plenty of good reasons to put something off for a day or so. I may just be perpetuating my own bad habits, but that's the insidious thing about bad habits, they encourage themselves.
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