Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Reading notes: Epified Mahabharata part A

The Epified Mahabharata:
I can already tell it's going to be easier to keep track of characters because of the images.

I also really like the narrator's voice. Both the girl and guy have a very clear reading voice. I also like how there is explanation beyond just the story telling.

The way they told the story of Shantanu and Ganga plays out much better not knowing why Ganga is killing the children first.

The entire story literaly kicks off because King Shantanu couldn't get over a girl he met. A lot of people die because of this... Rewatching the story i have a much clearer view of this.

The whole choosing his moment of death thing doesn't really come full circle very well.

He who was formerly known as Deravrat still seems a bit overly obsessed with his father in this version too, but that may just be a cultural thing.

The story so far section is going to be a life saver for me.

Amba really does deserve the revenger she will eventually exact, I kinds forgot about that.

Some of these stories such as Satyavati's son growing up instantly don't get any less ridiculous in this form.

Vyasa couldn't have... I don't know, taken a shower?

There are far fewer stories in these video playlists, so it's harder to take alot of notes. I do really like these compared to the reading, it is still hard to keep all the characters in mind, but between the images and the "last time on"s it makes it a lot easier.

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