Sunday, September 17, 2017

Comment Wall


  1. Hi Josh!

    I am so glad you chose to focus your storybook project on Indian Horror (and also a little jealous!) I explored this option and for some reason decided to do something else. You are going to have such an interesting project, and it is already off to a great start! I can tell that you are interested and possibly have expereince writing horror from your introduction. It is very well done. It gives the reader a little taste of what your project is going to be about, without trying too hard to be freaky or scary. The final sentence of your introduction is excellent! I read it a couple of times because I thought it was awesome to have here. You are missing a comma before the ‘with but one passenger.’ However, that is all I really found wrong. I will definitely be bookmarking your project so I can keep up with it! Great work Josh!

  2. Hi Josh! I didn't even think about doing this kind of storybook, but it seems like it's going to be such a good project! I'm a big fan of horror stories and I think you did a really great job writing your introduction! It pulled me in wanting more. I need to know what happened on the train and read the diary pages. I'm 100% bookmarking your project because I just have to know what happens. Incredible work!!

  3. Hi Josh!
    Indian myths in the style of Southern Gothic? Dude, sign me up! This is such a creative, sideways approach to adapting the Indian myths, and I love it. It's so elegantly set up, so that I know exactly what's coming, and yet there's so much room for surprises! The picture is perfect too. I eagerly await the diary entries. I wonder, though, if maybe there could be a little bit more info on what kind of Indian aspects we can expect? Like, I know that there will be Indian monsters because we're in an Indian epics class, but I kind of found myself wanting a little bit of a hint of what specific kind of monsters are to come. Unless, of course, it will be featuring all of them, in which case by all means, stay vague! I does read well enough as is. Gripping, mysterious, with a hint of what is to come. I look forward to more!

  4. Hey Joshua!

    I wanted to start off by saying that your project was the one I chose from the list this week to give feedback on. I chose it because the title really struck interest to me. I am definitely someone that loves horror movies and novels so I figured I would like your project. I thought you introduction was excellently written. You used some really interesting vocabulary that I thought matched your theme perfectly. I don’t really have any criticism for you. But I do have an idea! I thought it might be cool to make your page a little scarier. I am sure there are some creepy themes out there that would fit your project just perfectly. I think that would really add a unique element to your project and would fit nicely. But, I am really excited to see what stories you have in store for later. I plan on checking back soon!

  5. Hey Josh,

    I thought it was interesting you decided to go the "lost-diary-pages" storytelling style, but I think you can do a good job with it. Your writing was very good, and I think I only noticed one typo (misuse of there/their). It really made me want to find out ore about what happened to Rockville!

    The only thing I wish you would've done is add a little more information about Rockville, to give me at least some idea of what might follow in the diary pages. But otherwise, I really liked it, and look forward to reading more about what happened to Rockville.

    I'm most interested to see how you incorporate what we have been reading and writing about in Epic of India into a horror story. Should be good!


  6. Josh,

    Really interesting story and this will be fun to read more of what you write. I love the topic you chose as it seems like you are invested in writing a lot about this. I always think it is easier to write about something whenever you have a deep personal connection to it. I also chose a topic that I will be able to write about easily and think it will be fun to use some creativity with each story. I am not a huge scary movie watcher so I don't know if I will like reading your stories but I will have to check it out when more material is produced on your story book. One suggestion I would do is to add some pictures or something to make your story book look a touch scarier and that will add some to your writing from the start. I look forward to reading some more of your writing the rest of the semester and hope all goes well with this class.

  7. Hi Josh!
    Your storybook topic is so fascinating! I would never have thought to go in that direction, it seems a little intimidating, but based on your introduction, I think you will do an excellent job with it. You created a lot of ambiance in a short amount of time. The farther I read, the more the mystery, tension, and creepiness seemed to build. The line about true heroes and even truer evil was really good. At first I wanted to say that I wanted more detail, you kept it a little vague. But, as I thought about it, I think that vagueness was a smart way to go. You gave just enough information to build interest, but enough to keep the reader wanting more. The pictures that you chose are great and do a wonderful job illustrating the story that you're wanting to tell. I saw a couple of very minor errors, such as 'a earthly' instead of 'an earthly,' but nothing that requires more than a quick edit. Really great job and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of your story!

  8. HI Josh,

    Indian horror story sounds so fascinating. I like the theme you have setup for your project. I read your introduction and the beginning was a little confusing until you started talking about the town disappearing from the map. I was not sure where you were going with this, which is good since you are doing scary stories. It gives the audience the want to keep reading further to see what is the story about or what is going to happen in the story. I think this will be really creative to come up with evidence left behind and connecting it to the Indian epics. My only suggestion would be to add little more details so we know what topics you will be talking about. The introduction is little vague, which makes it harder to connect your storybook. Otherwise it looks great! Looking forward to reading more stories from you and Good Luck!

  9. Hey Josh! What a spooky intro! It made me feel tense and excited for whatever was to come next! What made it even creepier (and more creative) was that you decided to have the stories take place in America, where perhaps we feel safe from the rakshasa. I think you could do a lot with the plot since it takes place in America and we're more familiar with the customs and layout of America. You could mix the two cultures in such interesting (and scary) ways!
    I think putting the storybook in a diary form will make the stories fun to read as well as write, and you could add a lot of personality to them, depending on whether you want it to be written by one or multiple people.
    I see that you're wanting to focus on one town, so I'm curious as to what sort of research will go into learning about the town and really setting up your story! I can't wait to see what all you put into your project!

  10. Hey, Brad! I think it's super cool that you chosen to make a diary of the rakshasas - it's super unique, and there are so many avenues you can take with it. I also absolutely loved the spooky introduction - I, personally, love horror stories and horror films, so it was very exciting to read. Specifically, the fact that you blend together American geography with Indian mythology (by setting the story in rural Oklahoma) is very interesting. I also loved your story on the Garlic Giant - I thought it was well crafted and quite humorous. Aesthetically, your page is really pleasing, too. The pictures of the pages that you have really emphasize the "diary" nature of the project, and I think it really adds well to the entire vibe of the website. Like some of the others have commented, you could incorporate more pictures of rakshasas as they may be seen by Americans, perhaps, as foreshadowing and to go along well with the story. Overall, I really like the work that you have put into it so far, and look forward to reading more of it in the future!

  11. Hi Josh,

    I think you chose a very interesting topic for your project, one that I certainly would not have though of. I like your main page, the only thing I would suggest there is to maybe post a full image of your banner.

    You did a great job in your introduction in setting up a very intriguing story line. I would maybe suggest adding a few pictures, perhaps a map of Serendipity, Oklahoma (while it was still on the map) to give the readers an idea of where it is.
    I also like how it appears that you have set up your stories to be diary entries. I think that it will be a very creative and interesting, as well as fitting, way to tell the stories you are trying to tell.
    I look forward to seeing how your stories develop throughout the rest of the semester. Great job and good luck!

  12. Hey Josh,
    I am from the Mythology and Folklore class. I found your storybook to be really interesting. The introduction was a good insight of what it would be about and it gave some background into who Rakshasa was. The way that the stories are told, being from first-person perspective, is really creative and interesting to see. I really liked how you ended the first story too. It was abrupt but in the way it should be. It shows that there will be a story continuation and makes the reader really want to read the next story piece. At least that is what it made me want to do. Overall, great storybook so far and good luck with the rest of your semester!

    1. Oh and another thing to add would be that the detail you had on explaining the day you went through before the strange incident was great. If I were to tell you to add anything to the detail I would say just make sure to explain the small details a little more to add an even more vivid picture to the reader's mind.

  13. Hello Joshua!
    I thought your intro was very informative and gave lots of background knowledge! As I am unfamiliar with this subject, this was a great help and I feel I am well equipped to read your future stories.
    Wow! The diary format of your story works really well! That was so exciting to read!!
    I think that it's great you included a picture for those of us who weren't familiar with the content of your story but I think it's a little distracting to put that disclaimer in the middle of your story. I think you could even put the picture in on the side of the story and it wouldn't mess anything up or be too distracting.
    I really like the diary graphic behind your titles, it really gets the reader in the mood of reading a handwritten diary.
    Overall I thought this was a really cool storybook and I can't wait to see where it goes! Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  14. Hi, Josh! I remembered your storybook from a couple weeks ago and I knew I had to come back this week. Your selected entry was just as good as your introduction if not better. It lived up to the hype from your introduction, which can be difficult to do sometimes. I would maybe change the title for your first story to something a little more attention grabbing than just "selected entry #". You are doing a great job! Keep it up with the rest of your diary entries!

  15. Hey Josh! I've gotta say, I think your storybook was SUPER creative. Like, I love the plot, the theme, the dialogue, the writing style, everything. It is very well written and the title of your project as well as your introduction pulled me in immediately. When I started reading the first entry, I was even more interested and wanted to keep reading! I also love your layout, it actually looks very much like a diary/letters. I also like that you chose to write about Hidimba and his sister, because I read the R.K. Narayan's version of the Mahabharata and it didn't go into great depth about the story of Hidimba and his sister. Your author's note cleared up any confusions I had as I was reading your story! Great job on your project thus far! I can't wait to read the entire thing here in a few weeks :)

  16. Hey Josh!
    After reading two different horror storybooks from the Mythology class last week, I was interested to see if yours would involve ghost stories from our very own University as well or what creativity it would involve of horror! Anything with "horror" definitely draws my attention. And I do admit that your storybook idea is very creative and exciting. I really like your layout of your site as well as the banner image that includes the journal entries, great choice!
    You did an amazing job on the introduction with all of your description and detail. I literally was so excited to see what would follow and the first selected entry definitely didn't disappoint. You're a very talented writer, and I enjoy that you chose to tell this horror story through diary entries. I also agree with Akriti that your author notes helped out a lot.
    Great job! I can't wait to continue reading and see the finishing touches that you add as the semesters nears the end!

  17. Hey Josh! I'm back to comment on your latest installment of your horror saga. I've been anxiously awaiting the first story and I was not disappointed! You gave a very spooky vibe by telling the entries as they are, in first person and straightforward. I loved the elements you added with the description of the rakshasa, and how you showed that perhaps she isn't all bad. Your rakshasa character seems like she has a complex personality, a perfect addition to such a scary tale. I think continuing the format in diary entries is perfect and definitely the way to go. You've successfully created an atmosphere of eeriness, which is exactly what I think you were trying to accomplish. I'm very impressed with what you have so far, and I'm excited to see your final installments! I'm glad your intro gave such a good idea of what you would be writing.

  18. Hey Josh.
    I really like how you decided to make the theme of your story a horror one it definitely is a unique one. I have not seen anyone with a horror theme yet. I also really like how you made your stories diary entries, that and the horror story theme reminds me of Dracula because the book was written as a series of diary entries and letters. Your stories were excellent and I really like how you were able to take two stories from different texts and make them go along with the same plot line you have set up. Your author’s notes did a really good job of explaining the original story and what you changed from them and why. The only thing I wished you did was maybe the story titles on the links at the top of the page to something else like maybe just the date of the entry. All in all, it was a really good story and I hope you keep up the good work.

  19. Hi Josh! Just dropping in from the other class to read your great work. I really enjoyed your storybook and the horror theme — your format is really unique. I also appreciate your author's notes — they're really helpful since I haven't read any of these stories. One thing that was kind of confusing to me throughout was the identity of the diary author, as well as what actually happened to Serendipity that made it the cause of study. I think it might help to differentiate between the voice in the introduction and the voice of the person in the stories, possibly with names. I was also a little confused as to the setting — why would Hidimba chose a town in Oklahoma to conquer first? Otherwise though, I think you write with a really strong voice and are setting up a fascinating story. The way you adapted these myths is really creative, and I hope I can return to see what happens!

  20. Hi Josh! I decided to come back to your storybook and see what new stories you had added since I had last been here. Both of your stories were just as gripping as the introduction. I am so curious to read your next one with the main character entering the puzzle house! I have no doubt that it will be as captivating as the rest of them. You are doing a great job with your writing and capturing the feelings of the character. You've created such a great storybook and I think it's one of my favorites! Great job! :)

  21. Hi Josh!

    I really enjoy your project and the creative way in which you chose to tell it. I really like that you chose to take the perspective of a researcher trying to figure out what happened to the town through journal entries. I also like that the stories you are telling are based off of other stories, but all fit together. I am interested to see how the main character develops and where the rest of the story goes. I am curios as to when these stories take place though. I understand that the author is alive, but how much time has passed since these events took place?
    There are a few grammar mistakes in your introduction, mainly just missing commas, but a quick read through should clean most of that up.
    Overall, you have done a fantastic job on your project and I look forward to seeing how it turns out!

  22. Hey Joshua!
    I really loved this storybook! It kept me interested and intrigued the whole time. I think that you did a great job really keeping the reader involved and wanting more. I think that the idea of diary type writing is so much more personal and fun. The only complaint I have is that I wish there was more to read. I think that this was a start to an amazing book or blog but it is not enough to fulfil a full book. I feel like I need more than just the introduction and two stories to finish this book. Overall I think you did a great job and had an amazing amount of descriptive words. I think you should continue writing and making this into a full novel or book. This is something I would buy and read not only in class, but also out of class as well. Great job!

  23. Hey Joshua,
    Your storybook has come out really nice- I know you are still working on that last story, and I wish you luck with it! So far, this is one of the most unique storybooks I have seen. It's sort of a nice break from all of the really indian storybooks- as lovely as they are, it's nice to have something different in the mix. All of your stories seem well edited up to this point- I'm sure Laura has helped you as much as she has helped me. Your design is great! The menu is a little small and to the side, but that's okay because it really opens up the pages. Really, great job with this. I appreciated the journal style writing, and good luck finishing out the semester.

  24. Hi Josh!
    I'm from the Myth Folklore class and I had the opportunity to look at some of the Indian Epics projects. Your project was the first one I chose, and I'm very impressed with it! I wrote about ghost stories, so your title of "Indian Horror" drew me in immediately. You did a great job of keeping the reader's attention throughout each of the stories you created. I like how you used a diary format, because that's something I haven't seen a lot of so far. Your author's notes were very helpful because I wasn't familiar with any, since I'm in the other class. You successfully created a sinister atmosphere in your stories and that adds a lot to your stories as a whole. I think you have a great skill for storytelling and I'm glad I chose to read your project. Great job, and good luck with finals coming up!

  25. Hi Josh! I think you have done a really great job with your project site so far! As far as content goes, I love the organization you have use with connecting all of the stories as diary entries. This is probably the most unique and interesting designs that I have seen from our class. I also really enjoy the the horror theme you have used. The stories really keep my attention better than most other one that I have read. Also I think you did a great job of increasing the intensity with each story and the narration notes at the beginning really help as well. The page is also very well designed and easy to navigate. Great job!

  26. Hi Josh!
    Wow, I'm really enjoying your storybook. You've done a great job of creating a creepy and nerve-racking ambience. Using diary entries is a really clever way to introduce the reader into what is happening in the town with the way it provides insight into the writer's fear and confusion. There is also a background of uncertainty. It's interesting that, without the framework of the storybook, it almost reads a bit ambiguous...if you look at it at face value, it's the story of a town that is being taken over by rakshasa. However, it can easily be turned around to read like the inner thoughts of a man who is slowly descending into insanity and delusion. It's really well done!
