Sunday, September 3, 2017

Feedback Thoughts

14 Signs your Perfectionism has gotten Out of Control:
Wow did this one hit home. I've always known how much of a perfectionist I am (hence why I choose this article), but it's scary how accurate some of these points are. Take the 3rd point: You are a procrastinator. I had never considered how my procrastination was related to my drive to make sure everything is perfect, but I realize it one hundred percent is. The points brought up make for a very self reflexive couple of minutes. I definitely need to work on these things. Especially in my field of study, film, where each step allows for new mistakes to be made and thus more procrastination.

The Psychology of Comparison and How to Stop:
Being someone who is at very near the beginning of every important step of his career the last part of this article is really poignant. Don't compare you're beginning with someone else's middle. That's something that too often I am able to excuse away as just "Aiming high" and this article helped me realize that it may in fact be a somewhat poisonous behavior to have. Recently I've been working on starting a Facebook page to post my film stuff on, and I keep having the overwhelming feeling, I'll never make a page that will be as popular as the ones I've seen. The truth of the matter is though, it'll just take time and effort. I can't sit down at the starting line. I have to see things through.

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